Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sports Festival

(This game will need to be adapted to the teaching items you're teaching and the abilities and interests of the children you teach.)

Target Language
sport''s name

ten (10) or more

picture cards of different kind of sports

How to play
Divide the players into five (5) teams of equal number. Players stand in a circle where each group can observe each other. Assign each group a sport to play with a verb that best describes the sport and the corresponding action such as in the examples below:

The verb shoot, with the action of both hands up as if throwing an imaginary ball into the basket.

The verb spike, with the action of rolling an imaginary ball with the right hand forward.

the verb hit, with the action of hitting an imaginary ball with both hands swinging from the right.

The verb kick, with the action of kicking an imaginary ball with the right foot forward.

The verb strike, with the action of rolling an imaginary ball with the right hand forward.

Players say the name of their sport, say the verb three (3) times and do the action simultaneously before passing the task to another team such as:
Basketball team : Basketball shoot... shoot... shoot to Football kick!  While saying Football kick, the group kick an imaginary ball in the direction of the Football team.
Football team : Football kick... kick... kick to Baseball hit! While saying Baseball hit, the group hit an imaginary ball in the direction of the Baseball team.
The Baseball team do the same and so on...

Disqualify any group which commits mistake, such as lack of synchronization or doing the wrong action for the verb. Do not allow the ball (imaginary) to be passed back to where it directly came.

Have fun and enjoy Sports Festival with your children!

Rating   * * * *

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